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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Craft Time...

Craft #3 in the Christmas Craft Time Marathon is my favorite!!!!!!
It was easy, messy, and sparkley!
I have the girls make an ornament or two every year.  I love this tradition and hope that I continue it in the years to come(and hope that the girls are always willing to do it!) Ha!

You will need:
Wooden letter
Paint brush

Paint the letter with glue.(We just used Elmer's)...

Apply glitter and shake off the excess.
Trust me.  There was a lot of excess!... 

B's ornament..

As usual, Mel opted out of having her picture taken.

Once the glue dries, spray with acrylic sealer so you don't have glitter everywhere.
Attach a hook and tie a ribbon on and hang from the Christmas tree.

LOVE them!... 



  1. Cute idea!!!! I've been following your craft posts from Real Farmwives. Who is your husband? He lived in FarmHouse at Purdue, didn't he? carlaschenk@hotmail.com

  2. Super cute idea! I love the mix of color.


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