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Monday, February 25, 2013

Jo Jo's Baptism...

Jo Jo was baptized on Saturday, February 16.  It was a beautiful ceremony with all of our loved ones there to witness.

We were tossing around the idea of rescheduling the baptism because Brad, Jo Jo, and I had the flu earlier in the week.  Jo Jo was still feeling a little blue as she wasn't her normal happy self, but we decided to roll with it and she did great!

I ordered her dress from Pink Princess and I loved it!!!!!  I wish she had a reason to wear it again!
My sister made her bracelet.  It has a tiny silver cross on it as well, but I couldn't get her to hold her hand still long enough to get a picture of it.  I had my sister make it with an adjustment chain so Jo Jo can also wear it for her First Communion.

I love this picture and couldn't decide if I liked it better in black and white or color so I'm posting both.  Baptism pictures look best in black and white, I think. 

She didn't even cry when Father poured the Holy Water on her head. 

The newest member of the church...

Brad, Jo Jo, and myself along with her Godparents...

Her Godmother, Denise.  My cousin.  Love her.... 

Her Godfather, Dylan.  Brad's best friend... 
Brad's grandparents and us... 
My grandma... 
Our little family.  Although, it doesn't seem so little anymore... 
My grandpa... 
 Brad's dad and sister...
Unfortunately, Brad's mom couldn't make it.  The flu always seems to rear it's ugly head at the most inconvenient time! 

My dad and mom with Jo Jo...
Our three girls (Mel refuses to take off her jacket in church because she is afraid she might get cold so please ignore the jacket in all the photos). 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I have a lot of random thoughts going through my head today.  Today isn't any different than the other 364 days in the year.  I thought I would share some of my thoughts with you and maybe get you caught up to speed on what has been going on in our life since I haven't blogged in over a week!

  • We had the flu last week.  As in, the actual flu.  Brad started to feel crummy on Sunday so on Monday he decided to go to the ER.  They told him he had bronchitis and pneumonia.  They didn't even do the swab test to determine if it was the flu.  Then Tuesday night, Jo Jo started running a temp.  She woke up with a temp on Wednesday so I checked it and it was 101.  I was starting to feel a little crummy myself and had a bit of a cough.  I called the pediatrician's office and they wanted to see her. They did a swab test and she was positive of Influenza type A.  The pediatrician couldn't test me because I wasn't a patient, but by my symptoms she could tell that I also had it so she prescribed Tamiflu to everyone in the household except Brad because he had had it for a few days and it would just have to run it's course.  Tamiflu is the miracle drug.  Jo Jo and I started to feel better within 24 hours.  We were just really tired.

  • B had a four day weekend from school because last Friday was a snow make-up day and since we haven't had any snow days, she didn't have school and Monday was President's day.  I love having her home.  Granted some days are very trying, but for the most part we have fun.  I long for summer break!!!!

  • I didn't realize how early Easter was this year.  It's the last Sunday in March.  I better start planning some crafts.

  • I love Instagram!  I'm farmmomof3.  Come follow me!

  • I have decided that I will never have a spotless house.  The truth is, we're messy.  Our home is lived in.  We have 3 kids (well, one doesn't make much of a mess right now, but will very soon), a dog, live on a farm, and in the country.  On any given occasion you can find dust, dirt and sometimes cow poo on my floors and I am slowly becoming completely fine with it because I can keep a pretty clean house, but that means spending every waking minute picking up and cleaning.  Truth is, I don't want to.  I want to enjoy my kids while they are young.  There will be a day when I won't have the toys cluttering up my house and at that point, I'll probably have more time to clean but I know when that day comes, I'll miss the messes.  So, please don't judge me on the condition of my home because we're happy!

  • Jo Jo's baptism was Saturday.  I will post pictures soon!

  • This week is National FFA week.  I am a proud former FFA member and some of my best memories from high school happened while at FFA events.
  • I ordered my garden seed yesterday.  Spring is coming!!!!!
That's it for now!!!!  Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Craft Time: Valentine Garland...

The girls and I had a blast making this craft.  B and Mel punched out all the hearts and Mel and I sewed all the hearts together one day while B was at school.
All you need are paint swatches.  Maybe you have a bunch laying around from previous home improvements, but I didn't so I went to Wal-Mart and picked out several different colors. 
With a heart punch, simply punch the hearts out of the paint swatches...
In no time at all you will have several colorful hearts!!!!! 

The final step is to sew them all together with needle and thread. 

How cute is that?

Project 52:Week 5...

I didn't take a photo for week 4.  I know.  Shame on me.  Sometimes life just gets in the way.  


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

4 Months...

Jo Jo turned four months on the first of February.

She is changing so fast and learning new things all the time.
She had her four month check up yesterday and she is doing all the things a four month should be doing.
She can roll over from her belly to her back even though she isn't very consistent with it.
She is sleeping all night most nights.  I usually wake her about 6:30 in the morning to feed her before B's morning routine begins.  Some days she will sleep until 10:30.  I think she gets her love of sleep from me!
She is still a very happy baby.  

B wanted to do this picture!!!;0) 
She had rice cereal for the first time on Saturday.  She loves it!

4 month stats: 
weight: 13 lbs. 13 oz.
height 24.125 inches


Friday, February 1, 2013

Craft Time: Groundhog Day Puppet

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day.  The girls are ready to celebrate with their puppets they made the other day.

You will need: 

brown craft foam
white craft foam
black craft foam
googly eyes
Popsicle stick
craft glue
paper cup
green construction paper
brown pipe cleaner

Begin by cutting out the ovals for the belly and head from the brown foam.  Then cut out the shapes for the ears and paws.

Cut out a circle from the black craft foam for the nose and a square from the white foam.

(You could also use construction paper instead of foam) 
Glue all the pieces of the groundhog on the Popsicle stick...

Glue on the googly eyes and use a black marker to draw on the whiskers and lines on the ears, paws, and teeth.

When you are finished it should look like this... 
Next, cut rectangles out of green construction paper and glue them to the cup until the cup is completely covered.  You can also paint the cup with green paint, but we had trouble with the paint sticking to the cup because of the waxy surface.

If using, glue the brown pipe cleaner around the top of the cup to resemble dirt.  Once the glue is dry, cut a tiny slit in the bottom of the cup and insert the puppet and let the puppet show begin! 

Happy Groundhog Day everyone!!
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