Growing up, my family never took vacations during Spring Break. We lived on a farm, and since Spring Break was usually the last week of March, my dad was always busy getting things prepared for the planting season. I really didn't feel like I was missing out on much. Since I lived in a very small farming community and went to a private Catholic school, none of my friends seemed to take extravagant vacations either. Once I got into high school, some of my friends' families would go on vacations to Florida and such, but I still didn't really feel like I was missing out on much. My parents were probably grateful for that!:)
While we didn't go on vacation and part of our break was spent cleaning house or doing outside work, I can remember spending a couple days at my grandparent's house when I was younger, and once I got older we would go shopping with cousins in the big city and I would usually end up spending the last few days of my spring break with one of my cousins in a county just east of us.
We didn't travel to any beaches or big cities...well I guess we did make a trip, or four to the city...the girls still had fun!
Saturday night they stayed at their aunt Lauren's house. Their evening consisted of crafting and watching Frozen. Brad and I got to go to the mall and out to eat with some friends! Then we came back to Lauren's and picked up Jo while the older two got to spend the night. (No one seems to want to keep an 18 month old that doesn't sleep through the night. I don't know why!) :)
On Monday we made another trip to the city do spend some Christmas gift cards and finished off the trip with a stop at Orange Leaf. Wednesday we headed to Kids Commons which is a playground/museum.
Jo had a blast at the playground.
And she shoved a five year old out of the way! Each time she would get to this circle that you could stand on, she would stop and do a little dance, then keep walking. One time she got to the circle and their was a boy sitting on the circle. She proceeded to push him out of the way. It took me a minute to realize what she was doing because you don't normally see an 18 month old pushing someone three times her size out of the way. Before I could say anything, the kid was looking at her like he couldn't believe he just got pushed out of the way by a BABY! I told her, "No!" which resulted in her putting her head down and pouting. Lesson learned? We'll see!
We took friends with us to Kids Commons because everything's better with friends!
B inside a bubble...
On Thursday we didn't have anything planned, so B got up very early to go feed with Brad. And yes, that is a sock hat on Miss B. We live in the Midwest where our weather is pretty unpredictable. And moody!
Thursday night Brad and I had the opportunity to preview the upcoming documentary, Farmland. It was such a great movie. More on that later!
Horrible pic of Jennifer from Jent's Front Porch, but once again, everything's better with friends!
Taking a moment to relax and admire Chihuly's glass art work....
A bunch of eagle's in their nest...
B loves history and it's so great to see her love for it expand each time we visit the museum. They have an exhibit for Ruby Bridges, Ryan White and Anne Frank and I think this might be her favorite.
Every time we visit the museum she takes a ride on "Sandy." I think this might have been her last time as her feet touched the ground.
Friday night B and Mel spent the night at Brad's parent's house. They had movie night Friday and then more crafting was done on Saturday!
Of course, after a couple laps she wanted to ride as well...
After a little more play, they set to work picking up sticks. I may have bribed them with ice cream!
Bike rides...
Then we headed over to my family's dairy farm so the girls could pick out their calves for the fair.
After we left the dairy, we headed to our cattle barn to check the cattle. The girls climbed on the hay bales then we headed home for a yummy supper of grilled hamburgers. They played outside for a little while longer until it was time for Margaret to leave.
Now we are back in the swing of things as school started today. It won't be long and it will be summer break!!!