2013 was once again filled with many great memories! Jo celebrated a lot of "firsts" this year! She rolled over for the first time...FINALLY....She decided to make us all wait until 7 months!
She had her first bite of rice cereal, baby food, and table food.
We celebrated Jo's baptism...
and her first Easter..
We were once again reminded of how grateful we are for good friends both near and far...
We began and ended the planting season with the reminder of the drought of 2012 and had high hopes of a wonderful harvest...
Our garden was bountiful and, once again, provided us with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in the summer and throughout the year...
We enjoyed our staycation at the Steam Engine Show...
B started second grade all smiles and she continues to love it!
Mel started preschool and loves it! She wishes she could go every day!
Mel turned 5...
Jo turned one.
She also began walking at 13 months! I don't have any pictures to document that because she hasn't stopped since!
We were blessed with a wonderful harvest!!! Such a refresher after last year!
In October, I lost a friend and my role model to cancer. She was such a beautiful person! She made a huge impact in my life and as I stood in line with the hundreds of other people at her visitation, I was reminded of all the other lives that she touched.
Brad and I celebrated 9 years of marriage.
B turned 8.
I went to my first ever Ugly Sweater Christmas Party and was reminded of how thankful I am for the people that social media has put in my life.
We celebrated Christmas with our family and made more great memories!
This Farm Family's Life would like to wish you and your family a happy new year. May 2014 be the best one yet!