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Monday, December 31, 2012

Craft Time: New Years Eve Ball...

Happy New Years to all of you!  We are staying in this year like we have the last few years.  We used to go out, usually with a group of friends.  We would go out to eat, then go bowling, then back to some one's house to wait for the ball to drop.  Then kids came along and things changed.  It's always fun to get together with friends, but when you stay out until after midnight the kids still don't seem to want to sleep in in the morning. Brad still has to get up early to feed the cattle.  Then you always worry about all the "crazies" who think it's okay to drink and drive and it's just not worth it.  I am quite content to stay home with my little family, maybe enjoy a few beverages and see if B can stay awake to watch the ball drop.
Last week I came up with this idea to make our own New Years Eve ball.  Brad's aunt has an ornament hanging on her Christmas tree that is similar to the ones we made today.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this craft.  It involves sparkly things which I love and when I look at them they make me smile!
All you need is a Styrofoam ball, push pins (I found these colorful ones at Super Wal-Mart, but any will do), sequins, and ribbon. 
First, but about a six inch piece of ribbon and attach it to the ball by placing sequins on each side and securing them in place with the push pins... 
Then start adding the sequins by securing them in place with a push pin until the entire ball is covered... 
I liked this project because the girls started it in the morning and took little breaks in between.  It didn't have to be done all at once.  Of course they took some time out to play with their little sister... 
Mel's still isn't finished, but she needed a nap so it is waiting for her to wake up... 
Here is B's... 
Isn't it pretty?  Love it!  I'm secretly hoping their are enough sequins and pins left for me to make one! 
No matter what your plans are, I hope you have a safe and enjoyable New Years Eve!  I hope 2013 is filled with love, laughter, and memories!!!  Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Snow Ice Cream....

We had an abundance of snowfall in the Midwest two days ago.  Forecasters called it a blizzard and even had us under a blizzard warning for the day.  Now, I've never experienced a blizzard, but I have seen pictures of the blizzard of '78 that swept the Midwest and I have heard many, many stories from people that lived it and I definitely wouldn't call our snow storm a blizzard.  Yes we had a lot of snow and winds in excess of 40+ miles and hour, but in '78 people were snowed in for days!  They had snow drifts as tall as their house...so I've heard in the many, many stories! 
I have no problem with being snowed in.  As long as my pantry is stocked I say, "Bring it!"  My husband on the other hand, strongly dislikes snow!  Well, he likes it, but only because it adds moisture to the land and after the drought this year we need all the moisture we can get.  He strongly dislikes the snow because it adds a lot more to his work load.  Shortly after he fed cattle that morning, the snow started and the wind started to roll which made the snow drift into the cattle bunks.  The snow covered up all of the feed that he just fed to the calves so he and his dad had to shovel all the snow out of the bunks so the cattle could eat.  They also had to move a bunch of snow with the skid loader because a drift was so tall that they were afraid the cattle would climb on top of it and decide to jump over the fence.  When cattle get out, no one is happy and I mean NO ONE!
I saw a couple of blog posts yesterday about snow ice cream and I remembered I had a recipe for it in my recipe binder so I thought it would be a neat activity for the girls to do!
B went out to gather the snow, while Mel stayed inside and kept herself toasty warm.
We scooped about 8 cups of snow into an ice cream bucket(clean white snow of course!  No yellow snow for us!)... 

The we brought it inside and added some milk, sugar, and vanilla and stirred it all together... 

The girls loved it and I have to say it was pretty tasty!... 
Snow Ice Cream 
8 cups snow
1 cup (give or take) milk
1/2 cup (give or take) sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
Mix all ingredients together until creamy and serve right away.
You can also freeze the remaining snow.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Craft Time: Crafts Galore!!!...

I wish I would have had more time to post these so that it wasn't Christmas Eve.  I'm sure you won't have time to make them with your kids this year, but maybe you can book mark them and remember them for next year.  Friday night, B had a friend over for her birthday(it was supposed to be two friends, but one of them got summoned by the nasty flu bug that is going around so she couldn't make it.) so we made three crafts while her friend was here.
The first craft is a button wreath. ..
Very simple.  Just the way I like it.  Cut a piece of wreath wire to your desired length.  Make a loop at the end and start putting your beads on the wire.  Twist the ends together and attatch a ribbon.  Done!
The one above is Mel's and the one below is B's.. 
Next we made hand print Christmas trees.  B thought of this one all by herself.  I love that my girls are so creative.!
This one is simple as well because that is how we roll, I guess.
Have the child dip their hands in green paint and stamp their hands on the paper to form a tree shape.  Paint brown at the bottom for the tree stump, attach a star, then once it is dry you can add ornaments.  We used buttons and also some of the leftover Christmas card cutouts from our Christmas card tree.
Mel's (she had to put everyone's name on the back that was in our house that night, so that is what is showing through.)... 
The last craft was a salt dough ornament.  B has a pair of American Girl pajamas with reindeer on them created from finger prints, so that is where this idea came from. 
First mix up your salt dough by combining 1/2 cup salt, 1/2 cup flour, and 1/4 cup water (give or take.  start with a little and then add more if needed.)  Knead until dough forms... 
Flattne them into circles that resemble pancakes about 4 inches wide and place on cookie sheet... 
Poke a hole in the top (I used a straw)... 
Bake at 200 degrees for about 3 hours.  Remove from oven and lay flat to dry.
Have child dip their fingers in brown paint and stamp on the ornament to make the head and body of the reindeer.  Make sure to leave enough room for the antlers and legs.
Once the paint is dry, using a permanent marker have them add the antlers, tail, nose, eye(s), and legs. (My girls wanted their reindeer to be Rudolph so they used a red permanent marker for the nose.)
Mel's(she wanted her's to be" Rudolph with a red nose and red legs")... 


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Craft Time...Toilet Paper Roll Ornament...

So many crafts to share and so little time.  I'll do my best to get them all posted before Christmas, but we are just too busy and having too much fun around here that my blogging has been put on the back burner and I am completely fine with that.
This ornament is super easy to do and will have your husband asking why he has to save the toilet paper rolls!
Cut the toilet paper roll (or paper towel roll) into 6 pieces about a half inch thick... 
Glue them together and fasten them with clothes pins until they are dry... 
Brush glue onto desired areas and apply glitter.  Lots of glitter!!!;0)... 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Today B turns 7!!!!  We had to have her birthday celebration a day early for reasons I will explain later, but she was very understanding.  Maybe it's because she got her presents a day early, but I like to think it is because she is turning into a very sweet and caring girl.
We have faced some tough challenges in our community and nation this past week.  That is all the more reason to celebrate her seventh birthday because every day that we get to spend with our kids is truly a blessing!  Happy Birthday B!  We love you!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Craft Time: Christmas Card Tree...

This craft is super duper easy.  The hardest part is remembering not to throw away all your Christmas cards from the year before.
All you need is:
a circle punch
brown construction paper
yellow construction paper
white construction paper
First punch circles out of your Christmas cards... 
B did this while Mel napped and Jody watched. 

She can't wait to be in on Craft Time.  I just know it! 
Then cut a rectangle from the brown paper and glue to the bottom of the white paper.  Next arrange your circles to form the tree. 
Attach a star to the top. 
And voila!  Done.
This is Mel's.  She wasn't too happy about her leaning tree, but I told her it adds character.  I don't think she understood! 

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