We had an abundance of snowfall in the Midwest two days ago. Forecasters called it a blizzard and even had us under a blizzard warning for the day. Now, I've never experienced a blizzard, but I have seen pictures of the blizzard of '78 that swept the Midwest and I have heard many, many stories from people that lived it and I definitely wouldn't call our snow storm a blizzard. Yes we had a lot of snow and winds in excess of 40+ miles and hour, but in '78 people were snowed in for days! They had snow drifts as tall as their house...so I've heard in the many, many stories!
I have no problem with being snowed in. As long as my pantry is stocked I say, "Bring it!" My husband on the other hand, strongly dislikes snow! Well, he likes it, but only because it adds moisture to the land and after the drought this year we need all the moisture we can get. He strongly dislikes the snow because it adds a lot more to his work load. Shortly after he fed cattle that morning, the snow started and the wind started to roll which made the snow drift into the cattle bunks. The snow covered up all of the feed that he just fed to the calves so he and his dad had to shovel all the snow out of the bunks so the cattle could eat. They also had to move a bunch of snow with the skid loader because a drift was so tall that they were afraid the cattle would climb on top of it and decide to jump over the fence. When cattle get out, no one is happy and I mean NO ONE!
I saw a couple of blog posts yesterday about snow ice cream and I remembered I had a recipe for it in my recipe binder so I thought it would be a neat activity for the girls to do!
B went out to gather the snow, while Mel stayed inside and kept herself toasty warm.
We scooped about 8 cups of snow into an ice cream bucket(clean white snow of course! No yellow snow for us!)...
The we brought it inside and added some milk, sugar, and vanilla and stirred it all together...
The girls loved it and I have to say it was pretty tasty!...
Snow Ice Cream
8 cups snow
1 cup (give or take) milk
1/2 cup (give or take) sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
Mix all ingredients together until creamy and serve right away.
You can also freeze the remaining snow.
Oh Sarah..this sounds like such a fun idea!! Since I live in Iowa, we have always had lots of snow...but never made snow ice cream!
Made a lot snow ice cream as children'
ReplyDeleteWe had snow in Texas also
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with your husband on the snow...it adds so much more work for us too! Our friends are enjoying the snow days from school, and we spend most of the day outside, opening the driveway for the milk truck and trying to get the manure spreader through the fields. It sure is pretty though! We're expecting some snow overnight tonight, so we'll see how our family Christmas brunch pans out tomorrow! :)
ReplyDeleteWe woke up to many inches of snow!! We are sooo making this today...i'm probably more excited than my kids are :)