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Thursday, April 28, 2011


B came running into the kitchen the other day and exclaimed, "Mommy, I picked some sunflowers for you!"

I immediately knew, without looking, that they weren't sunflowers, but dandelions.

The same dandelions that cover our yard every Spring making it look yellow instead of green.

To me, they are nothing more than a pesky weed, but to B they are beautiful.

I put the "sunflowers" in water and displayed them on the counter top.

They only lasted about a day, but they were the prettiest flowers I have ever received!

Why can't we, like B, see the beauty in everything?


  1. even if they aren't sunflowers, i think it's adorable that she picked you a bouquet.

  2. You are not a true mommy until you receive your fist bouquet of these yellow beauties! Congrats!

  3. I have to agree with B..I think they are pretty....

  4. There is nothing more precious than grubby little fingers wrapped around a bouquet of dandelions! With 3 kids, I have had plenty of dandelions on display on my kitchen counter!

  5. That is the cutest thing ever. I can't wait until Claire brings me a bouquet of weeds :)

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