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Thursday, June 30, 2011


Why oh why...

 does Tuff insist...
 on barking...
 while the girls...
 are swinging?...
 Is it the movement?
Is it the noise?
We try to pay attention to him and throw the ball, but even after he gets tired, he STILL barks!
Ugh!  So annoying, but he's a good dog so we'll put up with it.


  1. we had a blue heeler...now a red heeler...I think he is telling them to be careful...that he is watching over them...

  2. must be a heeler thing. how old is he? our red heeler barks like that because hes too old to chase the babes. and he barks at everything because it takes him 20 mins to get into a standing postition! lol

  3. i was thinking the same as deb - he's concerned for their safety and doesn't like them swinging.

  4. Looks like your kids are enjoying summer. And this is a really random question but I sat down the read the Greenfield Reporter one night this week and saw your family's picture on the front page in the far left column. I didn't know why it was there but I was like "OHHHH That's My Farm Family's Life." I was excited to see someone I knew and wanted to share.

  5. Dogs are such funny creatures. This post cracked me up! Thankfully, the only time our dog barks is when there is someone at the front door.

  6. Maybe he thought they needed a bit of music to swing by? Dogs are like that! ;-)


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