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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Real Birthday...

In case you didn't know...Or didn't read my last post...Or forgot, B turned 5 on Sunday.
She vetoed my idea of staying 4 forever.
She couldn't wait to be 5.
It's a big milestone for her.

So, while my heart broke a little because she was turing 5 , I also rejoiced in the fact that Brad and I have raised a sweet little girl. Most of the time she is sweet and caring, but she definitley has her moments!

So, on Sunday we celebrated her "real birthday", as B called it.
Friday was her "birthday party". Sunday was her "real birthday".

I think this art set was her favorite, although she wouldn't tell me for sure.

Following a brief intermission(we had a family gathering Sunday afternoon) we came home and played the game Cootie. Twice. B won both times. No, we didn't let her win. She is just a good game player!
When I tucked her into bed that night, I asked her what her favorite part of her birthday was.
She answered, "Everything."
Happy Birthday B!

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