B got an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas from Grandma Colleen and Papaw Tom.
I was a little nervous at first because the recommended age on them is 8 and up.
But, she loves to bake....like me...and with a little help, she does great.
The best part is I haven't had to bake a dessert for lunch for two days now!;)
Mixing the dough...

Putting it in the oven...

We made yellow cake this particular night.
Below she is making the icing...

Sometimes I have to remind her that good bakers always smile:)...

Brad told her that part of a baker's job is to wash the dishes when they are finished.
She rinsed them off.
Good enough!(don't worry, I washed them with soap)

The next morning, after breakfast, she wanted to bake AGAIN.

This time she made brownies.
She planned ahead and counted all the people that would be present and determined that she needed 6 brownies. So, we had to make two pans of brownies.

The hardest part is waiting.
10 minutes is a long time for a 5 year old!

But the wait is worth it.
She dressed the brownies up a bit with some powdered sugar...

Don't they look delicious.

My next step is to teach her that bakers pull their hair back so it doesn't fall into the food.
She hates having her hair in a ponytail. It has to be a barrette. Time will tell on that one!
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