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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fun at Adam & Kyle's...

Just a few...okay, several pictures from last night.



Adam:"I am getting sleepy."

Eyes are almost closed...

"What? Who says I am tired?"

It appears Mel has graduated to the "big girl swing".

I like this pic and I would like it even more if she didn't have that plug in her mouth. Probably 90% of the pix I take of her she has that thing. I don't really care. It keeps her happy!

B:"Look at that cloud, Kyle. It looks like a boat."
Kyle:"Where do you come up with this stuff?"

Kyle:"Wanna arm wrestle?"

Kyle's winning...put a little effort into it B!

Adam isn't too sure about this "big person" in his wagon...

B:"Hey Adam, pull my finger!"

*Note:B doesn't really know the "Pull my finger trick". Just thought I would throw that out there so you didn't think any less of us as parents:)

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