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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trick-or-Treat Excursion...

If you haven't already entered my earring giveaway, click here.  You have until this Friday to enter!


Trick-or-Treating in the country is a lot different than in town.  We don't walk from door to door.  We hop in the car and drive for at least 5 miles before arriving at our destination.  You load up in the car, stop by one house, visit for a bit, then you are off too the next.  That is how it was when I was growing up and that's how it is now.  It wears a momma out and for that I would like to say sorry to my mom for all the exhaustion I caused her!

B was Princess Hello Kitty...
B never used to care about hair or clothes.  You would NEVER see her in a dress.  In fact, if we wanted her to wear a dress, we had to convince her that it wasn't a dress, but a long shirt.

Now, she will wear a dress.  She cares about her hair.  Everyday before school, I have to ask her 50 questions about how she wants her hair done.  Pony tail, Pig tails, Barrette, Side Pony, etc.  I longed for the day when she would let me pull her hair back, now it's kind of exhausting.  I guess the saying is true,  "Be careful what you wish for"! 
And then there is Mel.  I think her feelings toward Halloween are a bit like mine.  She liked the idea of getting candy, but wasn't too sure about dressing up.  I took her shopping for a costume and tried to convince her that she should be a butterfly or ladybug.  I know she would have been adorable in either.  Her response to my suggestions: "I wanna be Mel."

She already had a Colts cheerleader outfit, a Colts bow, and cowgirl boots.  I ordered  some cheap Pom-Poms and we were all set.

I know I'm biased, but I think she was the cutest Colts cheerleader ever!....

We tried to get a cousin picture... 

but the scarecrow wouldn't stand still... 

A quick picture with Great Grandma before leaving for our next stop... 

We visited 5 houses in 6 hours!  That may have been a record for us!



  1. Love these pictures - so, so cute! Our family pictures always come out a little like your cousin picture. LOL. Thanks for sharing!


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