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Friday, November 18, 2011

Craft Time...

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is less than a week away!  The girls and I have, once again, been getting crafty.

The first craft that we made was a hand print turkey.  I found this idea on Pinterest.  Seriously, how did I function before Pinterest?

Dip your child's hand in different colored paint.  We only used two different colors...one for each hand.
Stamp the hand prints on the paper for the feathers. 
Cut an oval out of brown construction paper.  This will be the turkey's body.
Glue the oval on top of the hand prints.
Glue or draw on the eyes and a beak.

B's Handprint Turkey...
Mel refused to have her picture taken so here is her Hand Print Turkey...
Have a great weekend everyone!  I'll be back on Monday!

Be sure to stop by on Tuesday as I will be sharing a yummy recipe that is perfect for Thanksgiving!

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