Mondays around here are kind of crazy. I always thought that, since I stayed home, the days of the week always ran together....I really didn't have a Monday. When I worked, I hated Mondays....much like everyone else I know. You enjoy the laziness of the weekend and then you have to get back into the daily grind of the work week. Well, yesterday I noticed that most of the temper tantrums seem to be thrown on Monday. Today, Tuesday, has been fine. Only a few tears when B takes a toy away from Mel, but other than that smooth sailing! I think I know the reason....

This guy...

is home with us on Sundays. I enjoy that part of it VERY much....and so do the girls. Sundays are typically least this time of year. I try to get my housework done through the week so I don't have to worry about it on the weekends. Brad plays with the girls on Sunday. Then Monday rolls around and it is back to the normal routine. I have laundry to do, dusting to do, meals to cook, etc. and the girls somehow forgot, in one day, how to entertain themselves.
Tuesday, however, much better day! The girls can play, by themselves, for more than five minutes at a time! I wouldn't trade my lazy Sundays with Brad for the world, but I am beginning to dislike Mondays again!!!
And below, some pix of the girls...mostly Mel. Brad and Mel tied crepe paper around their heads last night. Mel wouldn't stand still long enough for a photo so they are blurry! Oh well! She and Brad are two peas in a pod. They have a connection, like B and I have a connection.
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