I titled this post with a bit of hesitation. I think everyone in the Midwest is ready for Spring. Okay, I'm sure there are some people out there who love the snow, but the majority of people are looking forward to Spring! On March 1st we had what was hopefully our last snow day of the season. It was warm enough for the kids to go out and play...actually B and Mel go out no matter the temperature, so it was warm enough for Jo and I to join in the fun!
Mel loves to work! Let's hope she continues that work ethic in the future;)
Once Mel and Brad were finished shoveling we built snowmen. Here is my masterpiece...
Brad's cow..
Mel's snowman. She made it all by herself. She was so proud...
B made a moose...
And this one is their Yoshi that B and Mel made all by themselves the week before when it was too cold for Jo and I to go outside;)
Sledding time!
Jo preferred to eat the snow...
Of course I think she learned that somewhere...;)
We've played in the snow, built snowmen, made snow ice cream, went sledding...no bring on Spring!

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