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Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Ceiling Is Up...

A few weeks ago Brad enlisted some help from his friends to help him put the ceiling up in the shop.

 This was what the crew looked like from the ground...
 It appears they had a pretty good system worked out.
 Mel had to use her binoculars to see them way up there...
 Ben was injured from a previous accident so he was the designated fork lift driver (normally that is my job, but after doing rock, paper, scissors, he won the deal, and I took off toward the house stomping my feet  I gladly turned it over to him;))
 and the designated lawn mower driver...


  1. that reminds me of when my hubby was putting our metal building together...it has tall ceilings also...

  2. DANG! That is a long way up there! Looking good!


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