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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Project 52 Week 1 {Reflections}...

Four years ago (I can't believe it has been that long!) I participated in Project 365.  One photo every day for one year.  I am proud to say I actually did it!  I pulled out my camera every single day for one year and took at least one picture.  Sometimes I didn't get them posted on time, but I did manage to take a picture every day.  It was a huge commitment.  Some days I had very little motivation, but I still got it done!  I still love photography, but feel I don't have the time for it or something always takes priority over it.  I realized yesterday how much I missed it and decided I wanted to participate, yet again, in something like Project 365.  So, I decided to join My Four Hens Photography for their Project 52.  It's one photo a week ,which seems so much more manageable than a photo a day.  You are given a theme each week ,but you don't have to use the theme you are given.  The idea is to watch your photography skills advance in a year...hopefully...and to have fun! 

The theme for this week is Reflections and while I can now think of a million things that I could have taken a picture of, this is what came to my mind first...

I hope you enjoy following along on this "project" with me for the next year.  At least I will have something to post once a week!!:)


  1. cool photos....52 does sound easier that 365 when you have 3 daughters to raise....

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