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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cattle Show...

The 4-H Beef show was held on Friday. A LOT of work goes into showing cattle. Some of it is work on the cattle...
but I think this is the the most important part. Everyone needs to look good in the show ring!;)...

At the beginning of the show all 4-H members come into the ring and recite the Pledge of Allegiance...

Then the 4-H pledge...

Next up is Rookie Showmanship. All first year beef members participate and it gives them a chance to practice walking their calves in the ring...

This is my cousin and her steer, Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was like a big puppy....so tame. He was a little jumpy the day of the show, but I get a little nervous around crowds also, so I can't really blame him...

Bobbi Ann...Another cousin...
Bobbi Ann got Champion Charolais Heifer.

Mary Kate...Another cousin ( I have a lot;)...

I like Shorthorns. I think they are pretty....or handsome if it is a steer;) but in this case it is a heifer so she is pretty...

It's important to keep their head up...(or so I'm told)

Grand Champion Heifer....
His brother got Reserve Grand Champion Heifer. I am sure their parents were very proud. Good job guys!

Bobbi Ann is on the left. The little girl on the right got County-Bred Reserve Grand Champion Heifer. She was so excited.

After the heifer show, it is lunch time followed by the steer show which always draws a large crowd...

Emily and Mr. Brown..

I like Shorthorns...but I think I like dairy steers better. I grew up on a dairy farm, so I guess that is where my heart is:)

Brad's cousin, Jake...

Mary Kate...

Mary Kate got Champion Hereford Steer...

Brad helps with the behind-the-scenes stuff. He is always there to help the girls in and out of the ring...

Here is Mary Kate in the Grand Champion drive...

The ring gets a little crowded...

Grand Champion Steer...

Reserve Grand Champion Steer...

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