At the beginning of the show all 4-H members come into the ring and recite the Pledge of Allegiance...

Then the 4-H pledge...

Next up is Rookie Showmanship. All first year beef members participate and it gives them a chance to practice walking their calves in the ring...

This is my cousin and her steer, Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was like a big puppy....so tame. He was a little jumpy the day of the show, but I get a little nervous around crowds also, so I can't really blame him...

Bobbi Ann...Another cousin...

Mary Kate...Another cousin ( I have a lot;)...

I like Shorthorns. I think they are pretty....or handsome if it is a steer;) but in this case it is a heifer so she is pretty...

It's important to keep their head up...(or so I'm told)

Grand Champion Heifer....

Bobbi Ann is on the left. The little girl on the right got County-Bred Reserve Grand Champion Heifer. She was so excited.
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