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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Garden...

Our garden seems to get bigger and bigger every year...
I planted about 45 tomato plants and 5 cherry tomato plants. They are starting to bloom. I can't wait for garden fresh tomatoes...that is my favorite thing from the garden!!!

We put cattle panels (fence) up for the tomatoes to climb on. It makes it much easier to harvest them and it keeps the tomatoes off the ground so they don't rot...


Green beans....(Just for the record, I HATE picking green beans, so if anyone would like to come and do it for me...for free...I would not argue!:)


And another favorite of mine...sweet corn...
We also planted beets, zucchini, watermelon, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and lettuce. I also planted 25 more strawberry plants this year and will probably kick myself in the rear next year for doing that. This was an excellent year for strawberries....I don't think I need 25 more plants but, you have good years and bad years. I guess I will be prepared for the bad year!

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