We lived very close to Dave and Jamalyn. Whenever B would say she wanted to go to Margaret's house, or vice versa, Jamalyn and I would call each other up, make plans. We could be at their house in 5 min. Now they are 65 minutes away(I map quested)...I know they could be 250 miles away, but for a 4 year old that is quite a distance. So, we will just have to plan ahead a little more and have plenty of sleepovers. I'm just worried the girls won't sleep if we let them have slumber parties:0) But, we will make it work.
Sunday night, the church had a farewell dinner for Dave and Jamalyn. After the meal, John Paul and Chantel presented Dave and Jamalyn with some awards.
When Dave came to the church his hair looked a little like John Paul's. And Chantel is wearing a sheriff's hat because when she became the associate pastor, she told everyone there was going to be a new sheriff in town.

I think B is telling me to stop taking pix...

Dave is a very down to earth guy and he always started his sermons with something we all could relate to. One particular Sunday (we weren't at church then, but heard a lot about what happened) Dave and Jamalyn did a reenactment of a scene from Dirty Dancing...except Dave almost dropped Jamalyn:0)...so in this pic JP and Chantel are giving Dave some pointers on how not to drop his lovely wife...

And they presented Dave with some handcuffs for when Jamalyn is out of town...the kids are driving him crazy...and no one can make it to help him out. (Disclaimer...the handcuff thing is just a JOKE.)
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