I'm a sucker for traditions. We've already started some in our little family. Some small. Some not so small, but in the end I hope they are traditions that the girls will continue with their families someday.
Cookie Day is a tradition in Brad's family that has been happening every year for 35 years. Brad's mom was pregnant with him the first year they held the infamous Cookie Day. They used to do the baking marathon at our house, which I find difficult to imagine considering how many cookies they make. My mother and father-in-law now host Cookie Day and it seems that every surface imaginable is covered in cookies!
Each year the same varieties are made. Chocolate Puffs...
Mel, anxiously waiting for a taste;)...
Peanut Butter Kisses...
and Mexican Wedding Cakes which I failed to get a picture of.
Mel is such a good help when it comes to Cookie Day. She loves to bake and cook...much like me, so this is a day she definitely looks forward to! She likes it so much she requested that her picture be taken with every single cookie variety! And yes, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. She has a blue streak in her hair. She wanted it and I gave in! I think it fits her personality to a T.
B, on the other hand, isn't in any of the pictures because baking isn't "her thing." In fact, the other day she told me, "I think I might just live at home forever because I'm afraid I won't be able to cook like you, Mom." While I took that as a compliment, I think we may need to work on her cooking skills.;) The guys have their own tradition of shooting clay pigeons while the women cook, so B joined them and absolutely loved it!
During Cookie Day 2014 we made about 1660 cookies! All of them are divided up between family members and some are given as gifts. I still remember being told at my first Cookie Day 12 years ago, "If you don't help, you don't get any cookies.";)
Be sure to check out the recipe below for Chocolate Puffs...
Chocolate Puffs
- 1/2 Cup shortening
- 1 2/3 Cup sugar
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 2 eggs
- 2 ounces Baker's unsweetened chocolate bars, melted
- 2 Cups flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/3 Cup milk
- Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
- Cream together shortening, sugar and vanilla.
- Beat in eggs and chocolate.
- Alternately add flour mixture and milk to creamed mixture until combined.
- Form into 1" balls. Roll in powdered sugar.
- Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

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