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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer is Over...

Okay, so summer isn't really over until Labor Day.  Or at least that is supposed to be the last "hurrah" weekend of the summer.  But, in my book, summer ended today.  Today is the first day of school for B.  I always get a little sad on the first day of school.  I thought once I got the first day of Kindergarten out of the way, all the other years would be a walk in the park.  Wrong!  While I'm excited to see all the new things she will experience in second grade and am proud of the little lady she is growing to become and continues to make us proud, I'm a little sad that she is another grade older.  

As the first day of school approaches, I find myself reflecting on the summer.
Did we do enough crafts?
Did I spend enough quality time with them?
Did our summer include enough family time?
Did we read enough books?
Did we practice our addition and subtraction, phonics, and language enough with her?
Did we have enough fun?
Did we spend enough time outdoors?
Did we have a memorable summer?

Mommy guilt usually kicks in as I find myself thinking that we should have done more.  I think back to my summers as a child and I recall doing a lot of yard work and gardening and helping my mom around the house.  Not because my parent's forced me to, but because that seemed to be what country kids did in the summer time.  Sure we had fun taking long bike rides.  My sister and I would spend a week or so at my grandparent's when we were younger and when I got older, I would spend a week with my closest cousin in the next county over, but I didn't think twice when my mom would ask me to mow the yard or help with the canning or run the vacuum while on my summer break.

I hope that B enjoyed her summer!

She said she wasn't excited about school, but she was up at 6:30 a.m.  We had a two hour delay because of fog and when Brad told her she could go back to bed, she didn't want to.  I think she was secretly excited. 

Jo was asleep, but I tried to get a picture of B and Mel.  Fail!  Sisters...

Here comes the bus...

And just like that she's off to start her 2nd grade year.  I hope she rocks it this year!


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