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Monday, August 10, 2009

An Update on Mel...

We just got back from taking Mel to the Dr. She has been sick for the last month. We took her to the ER two weeks ago and found out she had an ear infection among other things. After taking Amoxicillin for the prescribed ten days she acted much better. A couple of days later she started getting a fever and was fussy, so we decided to take her back to the ER on Saturday. She still had an ear infection so they prescribed another antibiotic and advised us to follow up with her pediatrician. I called this a.m. and they wanted to see her today. They said she still has a lot of fluid in her ear and the antibiotic that the ER prescribed was the strongest oral antibiotic that they prescribed so we had to resort to shots. She gets a shot in each leg for the next three days. On Wednesday, after the last round of antibiotics are given, they will check her ears. They said it may take up to two months for all the fluid to drain off. If the shots don't work, then we will have to see an ENT and possibly have to get tubes. This is the first ear infection she has had and they said that it is the severity and because it has lasted so long that they may want to consider tubes. We hope the shots work.......we are ready for happy-go-lucky Mel to return!

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully she will feel better soon. We know all about ear infections in this house. Lucy had about 5-6 of them between December and May, so we had tubes put in almost 2 months ago. We were really scared about it, but it's been the best thing ever. She would always get an ear infection any time that she got a cold, and now that she has the tubes, we've had no ear infections (even though she's had a cold a couple of times.) I hope Mel gets to feeling better. I know they aren't much fun.


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