B's new toy. We have been wanting to get her one for awhile, but were waiting for them to go on sale. They went on sale last week. She loves it because she can ride it anywhere.

Catching lightning bugs with Aunt Chris. Her son Tommy is B's BFF at family get togethers, but I failed to get a picture of them together:0(...

By the end of the weekend, we had three jars filled with lightning bugs!

On Friday night we had a hog roast and band.

Mel and B enjoyed dancing to the music. I love the bond that these two already share!

My fave...

This little boy was cracking me up. Quite the little dancer. He is so full of energy and a chatter bug. Love it!!! Such a fun age.

Check out B. She's like, "I wish I had moves like that."

The crowd enjoying the band...

This poor little girl made her first trip to the ER Saturday night. She hadn't been herself for a few days, and had a cold for about two weeks. She was throwing a lot of fits(hubby and I thought it was her red-headed temper coming out...I can say that bc I am a red-head). She took a six hour nap on Saturday and when she woke up she couldn't catch her breath and was having a hard time crying. She had an ear infection, upper respiratory infection, and had developed a rash so the dr. said she also had a viral infection. Yuck!! (Guess that is what I get for going to the germ infested Children's Museum). I never would have guessed she had an ear infection because she had been sleeping all night. B never slept when she had one. So, she is on an antibiotic for 10 days, and I can already tell a difference.
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